Monday, November 26, 2007

Pink and Pumpkin Pie

I’m back at work after our little break and I’m actually glad to have something to do to occupy my time besides wondering if I’ll see spotting next time I have to go pee. Spotting really ruins any enjoyment there might be in relieving ones bladder. I dread going to the bathroom, 24/7. I’ve been battling a yeast infection with dr. approved moni.stat7 since last week and ever since I started the lovely regimen, I’ve had creamy pink spotting every single god damned day. Almost all of it is just on tp but some on the pads I have to wear unless I want to change my clothes three times a day. It is driving me insane. Logically I know that it hasn’t increased, it isn’t accompanied by cramping, and all other signs of pregnancy look good (numbers were great last time we checked, u/s have been good, and we saw the heartbeat last week). But damn the logic doesn’t do much to calm my near constant DBT. Two eight hour car rides plus three nights in my ILs guest room did not make this situation better. I am hoping really really hard that once I stop the nightly use of the cream in a hard plastic wand (which I’m convinced is irritating the heck out of my poor insides) that the daily pink yuckiness will quit.

Had my first episode of actual pukage on Thanksgiving and may never eat pumkin pie again. Other than that, not much else is new. I’m 7w3d today and our next appointment is Friday at 11 am. I’m terrified.


Sherry said...

Sarah - I know I haven't been commenting, but I am still keeping up with your latest developments...

Keeping my fingers crossed for this little one - I'll be thinking of you on Friday morning!

Alison said...

That Mon7 stuff is gross and it never seems to work the way you want it to. That is a total bummer. And pumpkin pie? Oh no! That's the best part of any holiday! Sending good vibes your way. :)

I_Sell_Books said...

Saw your post at SQ and wanted to wish you good luck for Friday!

It's no consolation, but I had bright red bleeding at 6 and 12w. Both times they changed to brown, but the brown lasted for 10-12 days afterwards.

And what is the deal with the hard plastic wand thing? I've got a yeast infecton too at the moment and putting that thing in is frickin' awful...


Serenity said...

Clicked here from SQSPJ, saw your comment. I can TOTALLY relate to feeling undeserving of such good fortune. But I'll tell you - clearly IF is not about who deserves it or NOT - look at all the stupid fertiles who get knocked up while on methadone/heroine/your choice of vice here.

Take it a day at a time. Fingers crossed for you hon!