Saturday, May 31, 2008


The u/s tech also mentioned yesterday that he has hair. And that hair is floating in his amniotic fluid. I could see the fine fuzz on his head. I wonder whether it is a soft light brown like my own baby fuzz or if it will be dark like Scott's. Or even fair like my mom and Scott's dad...

She also confirmed that he is indeed all boy. A few online friends have had surprises lately and it made me second guess whether he was really a boy. I'm so attached to him as is that it would be tough to find out later that he isn't what I think he is. And all the boy clothes? Already washed and too cute to return.


Ariella said...

I am so sorry you have to be on bedrest. I am sure bedrest sucks but three weeks doesn't sound to bad, as long as you have a labtop and some books. GL and your in my thoughts.

Geohde said...

Hearing your description of hair makes me look forward to my next u/s, bet both my babes are bald though!


Alyson and Ford said...

Take care of yourself! Reading will help ease your mind; enjoy the bedrest as you will not get much over the next 21 years!!

Alyson LID 01/27/06 IA China
Show & tell, NaCommLeavMo

docgrumbles said...

Hooray for hairy boys!